Comment 49073

By mugratoffline (anonymous) | Posted October 08, 2010 at 19:12:29

Not on my computer, but my friend just got another one of his cards delivered today (same one as a few weeks ago), and here is a quote directly from the card

"In dealing with the unemployment crisis, one of the ways Sean has tackled this problem is by establishing The Ontario Barber Association. The Associations facilitates programs through local businesses that trains and educates individuals eager to learn the trade of Barbering as well as providing placement for them throughout the city. The Barber Centre operated by Sean is more than a local barber shop, it is an educational facility that promotes learning and growth within the trade."

Neglected to mentione the individuals needed to be eager and have $3,000. I believe that order you directed us to Eugene said he couldn't advertise, but he seems to be advertising with his campaigning.

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