Comment 49060

By Gary Santucci (anonymous) | Posted October 08, 2010 at 17:31:49

Eugene M

Since you asked; Paul Tetley and his wife are tremendous supporters of the arts in Hamilton. They have become great fans of what we do here and would like to see us survive. Councillor Morelli and I have a cordial relationship. We have known each other for many years and have never had any cross words between us. In fact my father used to pick up Bernie's brother and take him to play baseball with the rest of us, as kids growing up in the east end of Hamilton. Mayor Fred was also on some of those teams. If Bernie Morelli has beef with me personally I am not aware of it, perhaps you can ask him directly. I don't agree with his politics something that we are free to do in a democracy. I hope this helps.

Gary Santucci

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