Comment 49047

By MHooper (registered) | Posted October 08, 2010 at 16:29:29

Eugene I'm afraid I cannot comment on the operations of any other neighborhood associations, as i can only comment on what I am involved with. It's abundantly clear to me that you have an axe to grind with us, and for that I am sorry. I'm at a loss at how you connect words like "unrepresentative" and "influential", when the activities we have participated in are free bicycles for children, alley garbage clean-ups, neighborhood bbq's, etc. As I have stated over and over again, we are not a political organization. If a person, group or otherwise has something that we are in a position to help them with, then we help. If we can't, we do everything we can to facilitate the request through contacts in the city to get them the help they need. Access to our on-line resources have the same rules of conduct that you would find anywhere else. When our members become objects of threats, or have their personal e-mail & facebook accounts attacked, then yes I will restrict access from those offenders. It would be irresponsible for me not to react to that. It is truly upsetting that you wish to drag us into this smear campaign. Our volunteers have put a great deal of effort in any way they can into helping the community, and simply stated, that is their only interest. To vilify and falsely accuse people as you have done on here is discouraging to say the least. It's a great way to say thank you to people dedicated to helping on their own time. Well done.

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