Comment 49016

By mystoneycreek (registered) - website | Posted October 08, 2010 at 07:36:03

Regarding Ward 9 candidates...and responses...

I posted this two weeks ago:

Funny; I never got a response to my offer.

I'm told that the Cable 14 Ward 9 debate recently recorded and set to be broadcast next week is extraordinarily revealing in many ways, mostly in the sense of behaviour, of deportment.

I was at the Stoney Creek BIA/Chamber of Commerce/Friends of the Eramosa Karst-sponsored Candidates' Debate at the Royal Canadian Legion this week. So capabilities regarding 'responsiveness' was paramount. I might suggest that there are some consistencies in what I observed that evening with what has been presented here...and then, not.

Every instance of engagement with the public, with the press on the part of a candidate is a test. This is beyond question. They are, at every given moment, in the middle of selling their abilities to govern. Their potential to ensure the well-being of the residents of their ward...and of the city of Hamilton at large. But I suppose after my own experiences on various fronts, I'd counsel caution to anyone believing that this instance paints someone one way, or that interlude paints them another way. Candidates are people, and therefore subject to all the trials and tribulations we all are, and all the attached inconsistencies of behaviour. Not answering an email, not responding to a request may be the result of a tech glitch, it could be an administrative oversight...or it might be something a little more damning. It's often hard to tell.

Regardless, I'm heartened by the efforts of RTH, and of The Hamiltonian, and all their readers to get in there and find out what's what in this election campaign.

As Sy Syms has long said, "An educated consumer is our best customer."

Comment edited by mystoneycreek on 2010-10-08 06:36:56

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