Comment 49010

By allantaylor97 (registered) | Posted October 07, 2010 at 22:49:36

I actually prefer to find as many sources as I can find and sift through all the material to find out what the real story is. Its rare that any source is without bias and even sources that I disagree strongly on editorial policy I can find useful information. One thing I've found that is common to all internet sites is that the public forum sections are rife with radical views and most posters shouldn't be given too much weight while forming an opinion on the subject being discussed. There are many insightful views but in the ebb and flow of things they are the exception rather than the rule. Its really kind of sad when a public forum is highjacked by radical views making moderate posters just give up and move on. I have found that internet forums have very little resemblance to public opinion among people that I meet day to day. This site reflects its readers rather well and tho I disagree with almost every word its educational to learn what others are thinking and every once in a while be forced to consider something that I'm not comfortable with. I just wish I didn't have to be mocked and ridiculed in the process because frankly all that does is close my mind to even considering another view

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