Comment 49006

By adrian (registered) | Posted October 07, 2010 at 22:16:54

I just had a call from Tom Jackson's office if I can count on their support. I told them I was disappointed in that he had a very low, not even sure if he has responded, to any questions from the RTH survey.

That's awesome! I encourage everyone to do that - heck, email your councillor if they're not participating and let them know that you'd like them to. The point is not to get them to work with RTH, the point is to get them on the record about the city's most important issues.

I e-mailed all 3 non-incumbent candidates asking several question about the ward and the city.

I find it interesting that your results as a constituent are somewhat similar to RTH's experiences with the same candidates: Fiorentino not responding at all, McMullen answering quickly and thoroughly. The correlation is weaker with Mowatt, for whom we only have one response.

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