Comment 48901

By meredith (registered) - website | Posted October 06, 2010 at 10:17:31

I find it amazing that a property density of six is considered unacceptable. If there's families, it's more kids and funding for the school in the area, more taxpayer money for roads and amenities (unlike illegally converted multi-unit buildings that pay one household's worth of taxes)in the area - and these are generally stable, often longer-term folks, not a revolving door of tenants in a converted building.

I find the overall mindset scary - no offense to the OP. But if you don't welcome this kind of density - which is really apropos to the neighbourhood - what hope do we have of revitalizing this city and adding proper density anywhere else?

Hamilton is a CITY, not a suburb, and this is not a neighbourhood on the far-flung reaches of the city. It may not be "downtown" in one's purview, but it's still in an area walkable to the core.

Comment edited by meredith on 2010-10-06 09:19:12

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