Comment 48825

By Gary Santucci (anonymous) | Posted October 05, 2010 at 12:51:52

The following is an excerpt from January 15 minutes of 2009 accepted into the record for the Economic Planning and Development Committee. You will see that the ECDEV committee recommended that Councillors McHattie, Bratina and Morelli meet with us to find solution. To date only Councillors Bratina and McHattie have taken an active role with us and we appreciate their efforts to date. As of today's date we have never met with Councillor Morelli concerning our project. He has chosen only to be kept informed of the situation by staff.

Gary Santucci

Excerpt ECDEV Minutes Jan 15 2009


Barbara Milne, respecting waiving of planning application fees for 16
Steven Street (Delegation approved by Committee December 4, 2007) (Item

Barbara Milne and Gary Santucci addressed Committee regarding this issue.
Additional handouts were provided to the Committee. Mr. Santucci provided
additional background to the establishment of the Pearl Company, and the
difficulties experienced with lending institutions. He explained the positive
benefits of the enterprise, for the immediate area and for the Arts Community as
a whole.

Committee discussed the matter in detail and had additional information supplied
by staff. Staff explained the current situation regarding the property, the
precedent which would be set by waiving application fees and the possibility that
the required zoning application might not be supportable.

On a Motion (Pearson/Bratina), Committee received the delegation and agreed
that Councillors McHattie, Bratina, and Morelli, together with the applicants and
staff, would discuss ways of addressing the issues respecting the matter, and
report back to Committee thereafter.

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