Comment 48628

By Cityjoe (anonymous) | Posted October 01, 2010 at 15:33:29

ROTFLMAO!! I COULDN'T get past the 1st comment in this thread!! :D

Quote: "And there are no left handed undersized latino hard of hearing goateed vegetarians far as I know....So what!!! People run who think they can win or who just want to try to win."

(Isn't it great to know that the majority of the population -over 51%, are something as bizarre, & 'Special' as the individual that the poster describes? :D Maybe he's just talking about how he perceives the nature of women who run for public office?)

If there are many more like him, (yeh..I'm making that assumption that the poster is male) who could blame women for not throwing their poke bonnet, hijab, veil, etc. into the ring. They clearly couldn't win against that kind of '?Logic?'.

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