Comment 48624

By Serendipity (registered) | Posted October 01, 2010 at 15:00:52

"I found this article very petty and unbecoming of RTH."

mrjanitor, I tend to agree with you; indeed, the article is very petty. I'm saddened that RTH posted it.

I have known, volunteered for, and respected a handful of councillors in my time. They, hopefully, read staff reports and take the time to listen to constituents. They attend meetings, hopefully full informed of the issues before them and make decisions on behalf of their constituents. That's a Councillor's job. Those meetings - Public Works, Economic Development, COW, Council, etc... - take place in the morning, afternoon, and evening. I have known Councillors to work weekends, a hell of a lot of them. And evenings too when they don't have a meeting but a constituent, like me, receives a call back to my inquiry made days prior.

I don't always like my Councillor but I always respect them for what they do. As much as I would like to take a stab at running, I would never ever commit to the devotion of time which I think for most Councillors is 18/7.

As for Mr. Morelli, I neither know him nor live in Ward 3, but when asked by Tetley's volunteers if he was on City or his time, he answered, honestly I'm assuming, that he was on his time.

Until a few weeks ago I didn't even know the City had a Manager of Elections but I had a question, called City Hall, and was put in touch with Tony Fallis. He was lovely, very helpful and delivered my answers in a very timely manner. Tony was taking work home because he couldn't respond to all the emails he received during the day. I'm sorry, and saddened somewhat, that such a man's name has been brought to near-tarnishing on RTH.

It all seems so clear to me: Tetley's volunteers ask Morelli if he's on the City's time or his own. Morelli answers, honestly I assume as I trust people to be honest, upfront. Tetley's volunteers tell Tetley. I assume Tetley doesn't believe Morelli so he writes Fallis an email with two valid questions and receives the correct and honest answers from Fallis.

How wonderful it would have been if Tetley thanked Fallis and they both went on their merry way. But, no, the story takes a twist for the worst after that.

Mr Tetley, since you are a candidate for Ward 3, I would have hoped that you were fully aware that your life will not be the same if you are elected. You'll get calls, emails, all hours of day and night, and four years from now you'll be taking some time off during your time (but it will be a Friday morning so people will think you're on City time because they don't know you've put in 60 hours of City work already and the week isn't over yet) to campaign. I have heard good things about you but this is very unbecoming behaviour. If I may: slow down, have a good meal, and start believing that people do tell the truth, even if you don't want to hear it.
As well, I hope you will think twice before abusing a City staffer's time again and never repeat what you heaped on to Mr. Fallis.

Why this piece was credited to RTH staff is baffling to me, but at this point I really don't want to know.

Mr. Santucci, I think the way RTH rolls sometimes is why the majority of candidates do not respond to answers.

One last heartfelt word for Mr. Tetley - Karma.

Mr. Fallis, if you're reading, I'm sorry you got dragged into the mud here, should have never, ever happened.

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