Comment 48433

By H+H (registered) - website | Posted September 29, 2010 at 13:14:13

Here's an email I sent earlier today to all Councillors and to the Mayor. Have received some replies.

Dear Councillor,

I have read the initial report that will be presented by City Manager, Chris Murray, this afternoon. Am I to conclude the recommendation is to have:

The citizens of Hamilton get more money from the Province to build a larger stadium?

The citizens of Hamilton get more money from the Province to buy and remediate land we don't currently own?

The citizens of Hamilton get more money from the Province to expand on and off ramps from Highway 403?

The citizens of Hamilton pay the Ti-Cats to operate our stadium?

The Ti-cats sell naming rights to the stadium to offset their stadium operating costs?

The Ti-Cats purchase land next to the stadium, and expanded off and on ramps, to build a development from which the citizens of Hamilton derive zero revenue?

All this, while the West Harbour sits purchased, accessed, and within easy walking distance of parking lots?

This is a good deal for the citizens of Hamilton?

I don't care if you've never owned a business, or ever met a payroll out of your own pocket, you simply can't disregard these stultifying facts and pretend this is progress.

This is an absurd business deal. Stop pretending it's working. It's not.

Can't wait to see the debate this afternoon.

Graham Crawford Hamilton HIStory + HERitage

P.S. For those Councillors who use neither BlackBerrys nor computers, perhaps your assistants could print off this letter and hand you a hard copy. Just want you to know what this citizen is thinking.

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