Comment 48420

By seancb (registered) - website | Posted September 29, 2010 at 11:50:55

This election may be an excellent opportunity to bring this issue forward. We need to confront all candidates (especially incumbents) with well crafted questions so that they must reveal the truths that they are aware of, as well as their official positions on the matter. This could force the issue with the media and result in increased coverage.

My gut tells me that if the realities of the aerotropolis aregiven the limelight they deserve, then opposing the extreme waste of resources that AEGD represents will be a no brainer.

I am willing to be proven wrong about this, but in the end, the only way we as citizens can guide our councillors to represent the best interests of the city is if we are all armed with all of the information.

I don't want to be a conspiracy theorist, but the "mainstream media" has little incentive to bring this issue forward since (I think) much of the land in question is owned by the very people who spend the most money on advertisements.

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