Comment 48268

By Peaceful Parks CCoalition (anonymous) | Posted September 26, 2010 at 22:49:16

AnnaMaria Valastro here from Peaceful Parks. For the previous writer "Smarter Than This" I suggest that you are careful with your comments about Peaceful Parks because what you have accredited to Peacfeul Parks is liable. I suggest that you specifically reference your sources of information otherwise you are susceptible to a liability charge.

You should also know that the reporter who wrote the artcile in the Hamilton Spectator "The Battle for Farr island' had no knowledge of cormorants and simply 'googled'the history of cormorants without reseraching the issue further. In his limited research he decided that cormorants were not locally native. I suggest you link to the research section of the Peaceful Parks website at and read the most recent research paper written by Linda Wires and Frances Cuthbert on historical population trends of Double-crested Cormorants in North America.

Since you are a angler and sport hunter, you would find the Peaceful Parks Coalition threatening because over the years we have been very successful in challenging the crediability of the recreational hunting and fishing lobby.

But you give us too much credit. Society in general rejects the recreational killing of wildlife as more and more people see little relevance in killing wildlife for sport.

I am so sorry for you.

AnnaMaria Valastro

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