Comment 48213

By Gary Santucci (anonymous) | Posted September 25, 2010 at 00:51:57


Jeremy Freiburger attended a fundraiser for the Pearl Company and had no role in organizing the event. The money raised was for the efforts to continue the process to clarify the zoning issues of the Pearl Company. TNT please refer to the recent article posted on RTH Fletcher: No alternative to Rezoning for Pearl Company. You will see the potential fee schedule that would have resulted should the Pearl Company have submitted a rezoning application. You can also see the process that the Pearl Company has been engaged with the City Government by visiting the website and select the rezone tab. More recent information will also be posted soon. Money raised and earned has gone into to legal fees and consulting fees to continue the struggle. The money raised at the event was less than approximately 4% of the total money required to satisfy the potential fees resulting from a rezoning application. Entering the re-zoning process would initiated the onerous fee schedule effectively bankrupting the Pearl Company. It is curious that you bring this up as I had the opportunity to discuss this very subject with Jeremy Freiburger over a year and a half ago. Should you wish further clarification please contact me at 905 524 0606. We have nothing to hide.

Gary Santucci

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