Comment 48207

By isthetruthouttheremulder? (anonymous) | Posted September 24, 2010 at 22:35:11

This just keeps getting more, and more intriguing. I will note Al Fletch said defer, not waive, fee payments.

As Bizarro asked how much did the Ancaster gym club pay for their amendment? For that matter how much has (did) the Studebaker group pay for their exception. And where is the project today, Ancaster or Studebaker?

How dirty is the process Morelli insists must be followed? Well it appears to be followed by some, but not all (or others, I'm not sure which). It appears to be a system designed to keep our vacant and fully service factories idle. Can the powers that be not see this, or realize it exists? Or, is the fix just so in, and it's a standard course of business.

Personally, I think this Pearl Company issue is just the tip of the iceberg and many are worried about how this will progress, especially leading to an election. Why do I get the feeling the dirt is just starting to be turmed?

RTH, thanks for taking the lead. You are so needed.

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