Comment 48182

By mrjanitor (registered) | Posted September 24, 2010 at 15:18:15

Political and Culture dogma is still dogma, satire below.

In a surprising turn of events the Tiger Cat football team is leaving Hamilton. The reason given is the long running stadium dispute with city hall. The Ti-cats are instrumental in bringing sporting event to a depressed area of town. By all accounts the cultural and identity contribution to the city is of the first order. They are the sports marketing energizer bunnies of the city. In any sensible city they would be given the keys to the city, but not here.

There is some discussion about the procedures in stadium site selection and whether the Tiger-Cats followed them, but the good done by Bob Young is readily apparent but the bad is really not apparent at all.

Development from sport marketing initiatives gets a lot of press in Hamilton but running the Ti-Cats out of town seems like a crazy idea.

What would be a no-brainer in other places (supporting the Ti-Cats) are controversial here. Could this be an example of Hamilton shooting itself in the foot?

Hamilton is really two different cities. This disparity of perspective and geography is typical of polarized social, economic and political environments, which I suppose is what we have here in Hamilton.

etc etc etc

This article kind of scared me. This isn't much different than what I read from Bob Young's trolls supporting him on ditching the West Harbour. They made any of Bob's actions justified for the greater good of the community. His minions are as equally passionate about the Tiger-Cats as the people on RTH are about the Pearl Company. Blind support of any cause worries me, especially when the greater good of the community is invoked at any cost and the tactics of owners to get what they want are justified. I'm new to RTH coming in support of the WH stadium... is the community here only to blindly follow what the collective believes in, whether people did what they should have or not? Is it OK for us but not for them? How much does this contribute to the polarization of this city? I don't know, but I just saw the mirror image of something I didn't like with Bob's boys. I have a deep love of music and art, when I can put them aside to think critically about this I still keep coming up with confusion about the Pearl Company's owners. Would any of this happened if they waited for approvals like any other business person? Was this the right property for their enterprise if the zoning was this big an issue? It was zoned to allow for a condo conversion I'm guessing, would this be a bad thing for the area?

Has anyone contacted city hall to find out if citizens in the area have made noise or parking complaints. I know they track those calls and may have to release the statistics on them if requested. If there are no complaints then, OK, I support the Pearl Company blindly. If there have been complaints to Bernie or city hall directly, maybe the Pearl Company should have done due diligence, waited or bought a different property.

Let the hostility begin...

Comment edited by mrjanitor on 2010-09-24 14:22:45

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