Comment 48147

By zippo (registered) | Posted September 24, 2010 at 05:54:48

Paul: In your story you said: "No Studies, Little Consultation

There have also been no studies looking at the effect of removing the island on wildlife, or any proof the cormorants will "just leave" to find nesting ground elsewhere."

This is not accurate. The proposal was the subject of a Federal Environmental Assessment under section 9 of the act. The Canadian Environmental Assessment Registry code for which is : 09-01-49525 which concluded

"This ecological restoration project is being done in consultation with and in partnership with the Hamilton Harbour RAP's Fish and Wildlife Habitat Restoration Project Committee. Creating cobble spawning shoals implements a recommendation from the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) draft report "Hamilton Harbour and Watershed Fisheries Management Plan" of 2009, and also complements the City of Burlington's report, "Indian Creek Estuary Restoration / Enhancement Concept Strategy" of 2005.

Final Decision A decision was taken on September 15, 2009 and was that the authority may exercise any power or perform any duty or function with respect to the project because, after taking into consideration the screening report and taking into account the implementation of appropriate mitigation measures, the authority is of the opinion that the project is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects."

So why did you neglect to mention the E.A. in your story? I'm hoping that it was just that you had not researched the issue much prior to writing your piece and not that you chose to omit reference to the EA and the RAP because they are inconvenient facts that conflict with your attempt to style this project as arbitrary and environmentally ignorant activity on the part of the HPA

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