Comment 48126

By Cityjoe (anonymous) | Posted September 23, 2010 at 16:52:51

I doubt that these birds are in competition with us for fish from Hamilton Harbour. Gaaaage!!(at least as far as consuming the fish)

One problem with Hamilton lately is this idea that we get out a few guns & blast away & you problem is solved.
Deer, stray it is birds.

Problem with this is: If there is a suitable habitat they (anything) will be back, & probably in bigger numbers than before, once the shooting creates more spaces. When a species comes under pressure, they tend to reproduce faster & with more offspring.

This gets proven time & time again in every place on Earth. (But I suppose, if it's just a question of a short term solution to please the more vocal voters, & giving Herbert & Roger a chance to get their passive aggressive tendencies vented for the year..well, so be it. Just as long as no one is putting this out there as a solution to anything.

I remember there were cormorants being found with very obvious mutations a few years ago. (Malformed beaks & feet) This pointed out just how bad things were in Hamilton Harbour. Maybe there are 3 headed, giant mutant glow-in-the-dark cormorants out there now, & that's why we need to shoot, shovel & shut up? :D

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