Comment 48029

By Ward3culture (anonymous) | Posted September 21, 2010 at 18:26:37

If some aren't brave enough to challenge the "stupid laws" they will remain and we all suffer. I have no doubt that others would have caved, packed their bags and left town defeated and downtrodden. Many others already have, but not Gary and Barbara. Kudos to both of you.

I will state again Gary and Barbara have not broken any laws. They are innocent until proven guilty, and the city has been unable to gain a conviction, even as they line up more charges. That smacks of a war of attrition by the city. The ones at city hall, Morelli I'm talking to you, who are hell bent on destroying what is not under their thumb are on a losing side. They know it, but the city has lawyers and seemingly all the money in the world to pay them (Redhill lawsuit anyone), to run people to financial or mental ruin, or both.

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