Comment 48017

By Henry and Joe (anonymous) | Posted September 21, 2010 at 15:59:02

@Mr Janitor,

I respectfully disagree. I am sure that the coffin and costume jewellery manufacturing took place there long before many of the current residents moved into this area. I understand the need to take residents concerns for noise as a high priority, but I don't think that is the issue here. I can't speak for the residents, but it seems like this is a great re-use for a building that would otherwise be empty. I know that the owners operate as a theatre with shows starting at 8 or 9, and ending before 11 pm. Is there not a variance that would allow for such a use, but at the same time prevent something more obtrusive taking its place? (ie, nightclub).

Speaking of King and Sherman, what is the deal with King-Sherman "Sauna"?. I know if I lived in the area, that type of business would be more troubling for my sensibilities. There are legal uses of property that are deterrants to economic growth such as "saunas". If we are going to use the letter of the law on bylaw enforcement, it should be for massage parlours that operate as legal forms of prostitution. Although they pay taxes and supposedly operate within the law, they are an economic black hole that prevent anything desirable from opening up.

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