Comment 47758

By HamiltonFan (registered) | Posted September 15, 2010 at 19:47:22

Excellent read lawrence. I'm a football fan and I love going to IWS, it works for me now as it is and don't have problems parking about 20 minutes away for free and walking to the games. I hope and wish there were enough people like me to keep IWS going like this for me the football fan that doesn't really care about location, I'm there for the game.

I guess the question is does the city of Hamilton buy into a stadium to promote Hamilton apart from a football perspective? If they don't, but it seems they do, then keep IWS going until she falls down. But if they want a stadium to promote Hamilton from the outside it, get rid of IWS stadium soon and build by a highway showing something far different than IWS. I don't see it as a football issue really but more what the city wants out of a stadium per se. I'm happy going to games wherever but I'm maybe not the person the city should be thinking about in this debate, I don't know to be honest.

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