Comment 47741

By Shempatolla (registered) - website | Posted September 15, 2010 at 11:00:02

What we are going through is normal for any municipality looking to build a facility like this. Competing interests, legacy concerns, cost concerns, location concerns, the usual NIMBY statements by neighbourhoods that don't want change or what they see as an intrusion into their lives.

I still believe the WH is/was the best site for the stadium. We know that it won't get built there now. Still the velodrome and other developments are clearly going to rise out of the rubble of the Rheem property and THAT IS A GOOD THING. There are influential people who now are aware of the potential and beauty of WH. It is going to get developed.

I sympathize with Mayor Fred. He put his all into WH. It is largely because of his determination and commitment to the site that we can be sure things will get done down there. But now is not the time to walk around with sour grapes. Fred needs to take a cold shower, get himself re energized and lead like he has for the last number of months. My read is that Chris Murray is a very capable guy. He seems more than buoyant about the CP lands. If he thinks he can get a deal done that will work, I would tend to believe him.

Mr Young for his part needs to come to the table with something substantive and a commitment to this city long term. I'm talking hard cash, not vague promises.

I have debated with myself whether or not I think this city needs a new stadium if it is not in the West Harbour and whether or not we need the Pan Am games. After reading this board for months now as well as letters to the editor to the spec, other sites etc. I'm convinced we do, if only to shed the shackles and image of a city that can't get anything done. It will likely cost more money yes. But its an investment in a new facility that the city will own. It may, likely will spur other development. It will be a symbol that Hamilton is back and moving in the right direction.

Comment edited by Shempatolla on 2010-09-15 10:00:44

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