Comment 47734

By Andrea (registered) | Posted September 15, 2010 at 10:05:59

I am still trying to get my head around what has happened since yesterday (at this late stage) and not sure I completely understand it...can someone help me out if I have this wrong?

  • Mac politely listened and then laughed and laughed and laughed at our 'proposal' to buy or swap land at the Innovation Park
  • the City is now looking at acquiring a new parcel of land from CPR - still on the Longwood and Aberdeen site at an undetermined cost -The cost to remediate the land is estmated at 3x the WH location (which we already own)
  • City staff have two weeks to build a plan and determine costs
  • the Ticats will not be financing the gap between the size of the stadium for the Pan Am games and the CFL use
  • there is no private sector money being injected into the stadium building costs
  • the City will be asking the Fed & Prov government for additional funding to cover the costs to make the stadium larger -the Ticats have still not provided a dollar value of their financial commitment to this proposed project -the WH site will be still be developed by a team of unicorns, wood nymphs and leprechauns?

Is this correct? It can't possibly be because it makes absolutely no sense....and it is making me start to side with Councillor Merulla and his very vocal oppostion to this whole mess.

Comment edited by Andrea on 2010-09-15 09:08:13

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