Comment 47727

By Cityjoe (anonymous) | Posted September 15, 2010 at 04:54:11

Funny thing. A letter to Ed. in the Saturday Spec. in response to the original letter blamed,'people in the cheap seats, who walked to the game' for the urination & rowdyness.

That letter was from someone in ...Stoney Creek. :O (No surprise there..sadly. It almost seemed like a 'put up job'.)

Here's another reason why we can't have nice things. Buck nekkid self interests, sour grapes, & constant bickering, area rated snobbery, & an open ended sense of entitlement among many of our citizens.

If security can't keep things under control at Ivor Wynn, how will they do it in a stadium many times that size? Will we all need to take 'a posse' to an event?

Ooooooooh Hamilton. :(

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