Comment 47711

By lawrence (registered) - website | Posted September 14, 2010 at 16:22:09


@ moylek: "it's super visible from the 403"

More so if/when they clearcut that northern woodlot.

That would be a shame as that is what makes this a sort of attractive site. Lot's of trees.

I know many think Ivor Wynne is not an option, what I didn't like is them (HostCo) saying that Ivor Wynne wasn't the Legacy they were looking to leave. Really? I want to know if that's because the Cats want out, or if they actually meant what they said prior to that about funding 'the restoration and building of new sites'. Wouldn't Ivor Wynne fit into the 'restoration' category?

This latest statement from HostCo has turned me off this process altogether. Not becuase it's a loss for 'saveivorwynne', but because I think it demeans the value of IWS and the east end community who have embraced IWS for many generations.

To say a Legacy cannot be left there is blind. A Legacy already exists.

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