Comment 47656

By Undustrial (registered) - website | Posted September 14, 2010 at 00:31:27

Public urination is as much a part of a swingin' drunken time as fisticuffs or sleeping with someone you shouldn't. Which is to say, they sound like a very good idea at the time, and look utterly stupid to people who aren't involved.

When people are peeing with their kids, it's usually more of an "emergency" type thing. And honestly, it rarely stinks up a place or kills plants until it becomes a pattern. And where it does, there's ways to tackle it.

And people smoking a joint in public? I can believe it. Even tripping out on mushrooms or doing a line to help "enjoy the game. But people 'smokin' tha rock' in public is rare even in the Lower East Side of Vancouver. I see people high on crack/meth all the time, and hookers pretty much daily, but have NEVER seen people publicly smoking crack in Hamilton. Not to say it didn't happen (which it probably didn't), just that it sure isn't common.

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