Comment 47651

By BobInnes (registered) - website | Posted September 13, 2010 at 22:19:24

Adam. Streetcars might be iconic but they are expensive, unmaneuverable, dangerous (stopping distance) and require endless maintenance of tracks (think cost AND congestion). Buses are much better. No tracks to kill bicyclists who get caught in the rails. Keep a few lines for old times' sake but get rid of the rest.

Undustrial, what Hamilton got rid of was electric buses, which required two wires overhead instead of the sreetcar's one. Just as maneuverable as regular buses. I suppose the cost was marginally higher which killed that system but to my mind, it was the best. Cities seem not to be able to make far sighted decisions in the face of cost margins and rigid thinking. We may have had people laughing at our 'old fashioned' system. Any marginal higher cost was well worth it on the basis of less pollution AND noise.

Reading the link provided by Sylvan suggests that Ford and other right wing candidates want to add 4-5billion to McGuilty's $222bn provincial debt for all theses fancy dancy schemes. No end to spendthrift madness in both Toronto, Hamilton and Queen's Park. Time voters got some madness of their own. Or do only sheeple live here?

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