Comment 47649

By lawrence (registered) - website | Posted September 13, 2010 at 21:57:49

I wonder what opportunities exist to connect the rail yard with McMaster are? Seems like there could be uses for the stadium for Mac with this location being so close. Would have been a good spot perhaps, before Mac went and built their own football stadium, for a Maurader/Tiger-Cats partnership.

There is a lot of foliage surrounding this site both facing the highway and in the rear with the golf course. Still doesn't really bring people into the heart of the city.

CN tower and ACC are just off the highway, but so is their downtown. Lock Street isn't too far away of course, as is Westdale if we can build some sort of trail walkway where the rail deadends. A staduim doesn't seem to suit what is described above, but perhaps we could find arguments in all potential stadium locations.

There seems to be a lot of land by Burlington between Victoria and Wellington as well?

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