Comment 47562

By Shempatolla (registered) - website | Posted September 11, 2010 at 20:33:50

Here are just a few links.

Those are merely a few. As you can see it is hardly my opinion. People who know far more about these matters than I do form these policies and trends and its because MEDIA EXPOSURE HELPS THE BOTTOM LINE. Not Joe and Jane Q public driving to work. Its simple really. One national television broadcast reaches potentially millions of viewers. A week of commuting tens of thousands. Do the math.

As for BMO Field. $10 million is not even a drop in the bucket for them. Its a write off and if the 20 or so home games a year on tv with tv personalities both during the game and on sports shows after keep regurgitating "at BMO Field Toronto FC blah blah blah" helps sell mortgages and credit cards....great.

As for the City and its stance on WH. It's still on the table as referenced by City Manager Chris Murray as of yesterday. Why they haven't drawn a line in the sand is simple. Enough chicken shit flip flop city councillors who are more interested in getting re-elected than doing what is right have created a situation wherein the city has no choice but to examine another location. The irony will be if Aberdeen is chosen it will likely have more access issues than WH as there are really only two access points with highway access both of which are west of the stadium site. It is quite possible an LRT extension could be routed through as that process is just beginning. We shall see.

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