Comment 47484

By mystoneycreek (registered) - website | Posted September 10, 2010 at 06:27:30


In my original musings about the notion of an increased 'relationship of engagement' regarding local governance, I proposed that 'electronic town halls' would be a great variation on the time-tested, in-person theme. This is a primitive take on on the notion, but I suppose it's a start...however inherently flawed it is. (Over the years, I've taken part in phone-based teleseminars, and they're an entirely different kettle of fish, because there's an inherent level of engagement, of investment on the part of the participants. I can't imagine this approaching that.)

I'm curious as to how a candidate such as Martinus Geleynse would/will approach the idea of connecting with people using say, online video-chat technology.

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