Comment 47441

By realfreeenterpriser (registered) | Posted September 09, 2010 at 18:16:26

TreyS said "There seems to me to be two types of stadium supporters. One: People who think the WH is the best location because it will look pretty. Two: people who think the stadium should be located where it makes a football franchise viable."

Perhaps you could add:

-three: people who think a WH stadium would look pretty AND make a football franchise viable and have seen the studies to back it up.

-four: people who know that WH would be the newest and best stadium in the CFL and way better than Ivor Wynne.

-five: people who think the interests of the taxpayers and the City that's footing the bill should prevail over those of a private corporation especially when it won't (can't) back up its claims.

-six: people who think football viability has more to do with winning than stadium location.

-seven: people who haven't seen ANY documentary evidence to show that football wouldn't be viable at WH.

-eight: people who can't figure out how other teams in the CFL are doing financially better than the Tiger-Cats with similar or worse locations than WH.

-nine: people who can't enunciate what really makes a football team viable but swallow whatever Bob Young says (but can't demonstrate) and then write in to Raise the Hammer

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