Comment 47301

By Meredith (registered) - website | Posted September 06, 2010 at 22:53:18

Yeah, you gotta watch those Christian farmers. Sometimes they get a hundredfold return on their wheat crops!

I do understand the suspicion towards anything religious, but man... you've got the wrong target with these guys. I worked at a church in Leaskdale (near Uxbridge) that owned a hundred acres besides their building -- and a bunch of those farmers (who also had their own farms to take care of) planted, cared for, and harvested wheat on it, donating it all to Canada Food Grains (another Christian organization with huge farmers' participation).

Then the government matches that donation several times over for overseas aid. Those are some of the best people doing the best work I know - tens of thousands of tonnes of food a year.

I think it's a bit far to call these type of people "ominous". Perhaps "admirable" and "selfless" is a little closer to the truth.

They're not trying to create a political party, take over anyone's education, or convert the world back to farmland.. they're good people doing great things, and a quick jab at them just because you don't like the word "farmer" or "Christian" gets under my skin a little, buddy.

(By the way, I don't particularly like Victor Veri's comments so far - see the Stoney Creek news on what he thinks of LRT. But that has nothing - nothing - to do with this organization, and more with a rural perspective in general:

Comment edited by Meredith on 2010-09-06 21:58:05

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