Comment 47289

By guar (anonymous) | Posted September 06, 2010 at 15:10:31

This is one reason, among many, for making the decision not to live in Toronto.

Pedestrians in the Toronto Downtown move around pretty similar to the folks driving around in cars - everyone's trying to get from point A to point B in the most efficient way possible, no one is making eye contact, etc. They might as well be wearing little cardboard cars and yelling "honk honk!" instead of just bumping into each other and making demands for movement and space (at least this would be somewhat more amusing). Here's one way in which car culture infiltrates city infrastructure and any possible opportunity for a sense of community. It's extremely isolating and detrimental to any sense of compassion in a city.

The thing that gets me is that it really doesn't make sense to have more roads than sidewalks in a downtown core with cyclists, subways, streetcars AND buses!! There are more than enough ways to get around in downtown T.O without the use of a car.

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