Comment 47223

By F. Ward Cleat (anonymous) | Posted September 04, 2010 at 20:50:46

...there is no doubt BY has other choices. He's a wealthy man and his wealth gives him if for some reason we lose the PanAm 15,000 seat funding. Does BY compound (what I think) was a bad decision not accepting WH by relocating his business to another market? Is there a city willing to invest $45-$100 million on a football stadium? Would the CFL allow such a move? Would BY be willing to invest another $25-$50 million or more into something he himself stated was the worst business decision of his life?
I think it is much more likely he would look to sell the team to local interests. If that failed and the CFL agreed, he probably would sell to someone in another market. If that failed he'd probably fold it or look for other options.
The only relocation that makes any sense is Aldershot and that will not be easy.

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