Comment 47195

By HamiltonFan (registered) | Posted September 04, 2010 at 10:33:56

Brandon, first you must realize I'm a sports guy and football is my no. 1 sport to watch and I'm also into the history of sports, I have an honours undergraduate degree in physical education and one of my courses was sports history which had a large Canadian component to it. And so I've studied Canadian sports history a bit and Canadian football in particular.

Now your question is why I feel that the taxpayers of Hamilton should pay for Bob Young to make more money? Well they shouldn't if they don't want to. I don't mind it, my money going for a stadium in a suitable location for the TigerCats because I love the Cats, I'm biased as I say, and I want them to make money and keep the team in Hamilton as I feel, for me, they bring a certain value to the city even if it isn't a lot of value in a monetary sense. That's just me. In the case here in Hamilton, I am willing to live with my tax money going for a stadium as long as the Rheem site gets cleaned up as well.

But I'm not saying I'm right, not at all. As I say, I'm a sports guy and in particular football. So I'm not a good barometer. There's not much money to be made owning a CFL team, BY bought the Cats when they were on their last legs, no one else wanted them. He's from the area and grew up as a Cats fan. He admits he made mistakes running the team, openly admits that, and he is learning.

Public/private partnerships are happening with building sports facilities these days, I think the 4 pad arena on the brow is an example, the expansion of Molson Stadium in Montreal another.

BY doesn't want to play in a WH location because he feels he can't be financially successful there with the team in that location. That is his right to think that and it's the city's right to build a stadium for whomever at the WH if they want. The city doesn't have to give a dime for a stadium for the Cats or any pro team to play in, that I agree on.

Also, I feel in the long run one team for southern Ontario in the CFL is enough. No matter how this works out, I'm in the enviable position of the process turning out for me as a win-win. I win if the Cats stay here and get in a stadium that makes sense with or without FF money, whatever I don't really care to honest. But I win also if the Cats move to Moncton or amalgamate with the Argos whatever, I think this is excellent for the CFL in the long run to have one team, one strong team in a football specific stadium. Hamilton as a city doesn't do much image wise for any sports league, I hate to admit it but the city doesn't have a professional image to it IMHO in a way that leagues want. I can't put my finger on it really, it's too bad because this city has so much to offer especially from a geographical aspect with the trails, restaurants, music, etc. But that's what I think is the case with leagues and how they see Hamilton, the NHL feels that obviously as well. Just maybe has to do with too much of a working class lunch bucket town which is a shame if that's the case. Look at the HGCC, one of the best in the country and we have a great university as well and so much more.

You are right, FF money isn't Bob's and the city doesn't owe him anything to spend this money on a stadium that they would rent out to him. I completely agree.

Comment edited by HamiltonFan on 2010-09-04 09:45:18

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