Comment 47193

By Brandon (registered) | Posted September 04, 2010 at 10:09:39


Perhaps you can explain to us why you feel that the taxpayers of Hamilton should pay for Bob Young to make more money?

The $60 million Future Fund is specifically designated for downtown restoration and revitalization.

The $40 million from the Pan Am games requires that it be supported by transit and benefit the city for the long run.

Essentially, we're offering Bob Young a new stadium to play in and he's trying to hijack that money and build his stadium in his ideal location.

I can fully appreciate why he wants it in a different location, but the problem is that the purpose of the money isn't to give the 'Cats everything that they want. If Bob was building his own stadium then he's more than welcome to do what he wants with his money.

But it's not his money.

Why is this essential fact not mentioned in any of the Ti-Cat postings?

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