Comment 47179

By Undustrial (registered) - website | Posted September 03, 2010 at 20:16:38

I just used a cutting-edge combination of high and low tech measuring equipment to work this out. And by that I mean I used a piece of cardboard and google maps.

With the average distance between stations on the GO line between Aldershot and Port Credit (all expanses of massive low-density housing), the distance between Aldershot and the Hunter Station is actually a little long. If we were to follow this pattern eastward, we would have the following GO stations at or around Centre Mall, Confederation Park, Fruitland Road and Fifty Rd/Winona, and it still wouldn't be as dense as what Oakville and Burlington Have. Going west, even if we also built a station at the MIP or former Aberdeen yard, a station in Ancaster (downtown or Meadowlands) would also be fairly reasonable, given these distances (though the lines are now a bike trail).

I'm not suggesting we build all these right now, but we need to put this in some perspective. Hamilton as a whole has a very small fraction of the train service of Aldershot alone. It's like there's an invisible line at the York St. Bridge. We have a far denser population, and yet get almost nothing, despite train tracks all over town. It's easier to hop a freight train from many parts of East Hamilton to the West End. Unless this changes, rail simply can not be a serious option for many people here.

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