Comment 47025

By Apologia (anonymous) | Posted September 02, 2010 at 08:43:38

Ryan says, "I'm highly skeptical that the MIP will turn out to be a good deal for the city, but no one can accuse the mayor of not doing enough to make some kind of deal possible."

Even now Fred is on the media saying the WH is a viable site in the same sentence he says the MIP site is worth looking at, in the same sentence he says he and Bob Young share the same vision, in the same sentence he says it's all HostCo's fault anyway, in the same sentence he still insists that no offers came from other sources to clean up WH, in the same sentence he says that developers want to invest in the WH, in the same sentence he says that he will swap land with McMaster, in the same sentence.....Get the picture? He is all over the map, rudderless and confused. Ryan, stop apologizing for him.

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