Comment 46959

By frank (registered) | Posted September 01, 2010 at 08:46:56

I'm going to stray a bit off topic here but I have a question regarding the boom of biking if people continue to ride on sidewalks. I find this the MOST unsafe practice possible. In the last 2 weeks I've personally witnessed a guy get hit by someone backing out of a driveway and a near miss at an intersection between a vehicle turning right and a cyclist appearing from behind a building. I'm tired of it! I've seen guys on electric cycles blasting down sidewalks only to hop onto the road when there are people there somehow expecting vehicles to anticipate their erratic movements. How many more people have to die like the young man on Upper James a few months ago before people clue in? How can this type of practice be minimized or cut out completely?

I used to own a nice Canadian built hybrid bike and had to sell it at one point. I thought I'd be smart and purchase a cheap bike from Canadian Tire as I don't do too much cycling...BAD idea! POS through and through!

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