Comment 46871

By frank (registered) | Posted August 31, 2010 at 13:41:43

HF you talk about not injecting emotion yet your fellatio-type support of BY during this entire debate smacks of emotion. My point had nothing to do with emotion, I simply demonstrated that you were wrong and I must say your consistent trolling is getting annoying. You don't address the issues with your own arguments you simply posit the same crap again and again! That's why you get down voted...because your arguments aren't rational at all, they consistently disregard facts. BY was the one who injected emotion in this debate - he's the one who decided at the last minute to threaten to remove his support from the WH location thereby causing many people who support the Tiger Cats to either change their vote or begin questioning the wisdom of placing a stadium in the best location if it meant they would lose their beloved Tiger Cats!

If you're so interested in taking the business aspect of this, then how about looking at it from the City's perspective. They have to allocate public money based on something other than statements made by the owner of a business - a VERY small business at that! I believe that in the humour section here at RTH you will find a blog by Graham Crawford that takes that viewpoint. The City is a business, they can't and shouldn't allocate money based on unsubstantiated rhetoric by Bob Young. I am not going to go into the various rebuttals your "arguments" have received because if you can't read those, you won't read my reiteration...

Comment edited by frank on 2010-08-31 12:44:00

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