Comment 46249

By highwater (registered) | Posted August 25, 2010 at 15:09:09

But I think you're fundamentally wrong on this issue. You're a spokesperson for a New Urbanism philosophy with clear ties to a Leftist "people over profits" agenda, which is nothing new in this town: a throw-back to the old NDP-dominated politics that made development of any kind seem synonymous with greed & exploitation, and the results have been disastrous.

Coincidentally, the same day you posted this comment, I posted the following on my facebook:

...the end game of making money just to make money is purely evil, since it disassociates money from what it exists for, which is in service of human beings. And once you do that---once you start to see human beings as existing for money and not the other way around---libertarianism, anti-environmentalism, and general hostility towards government and social services all follow. To call that a “work ethic” is to put a moralistic gloss on immoral behavior.

                                                                                            -Amanda Marcotte

Placing people over profits isn't "leftist", it's basic human decency. Conversely, placing profits over people, isn't 'rightist', it's sociopathic. As a recovering Red Tory, and on behalf of small 'c' conservatives everywhere, I take exception to the idea that using public money to benefit the public is the exclusive domain of the political left.

Shoehorning the stadium issue into a left/right dichotomy is worse than useless as an analytical tool, and contributes nothing to the debate but further polarization, which may explain some of the downvotes.

Comment edited by highwater on 2010-08-25 14:10:43

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