Comment 45954

By Henry and Joe (anonymous) | Posted August 19, 2010 at 01:14:38

Addition to Jonathon Dalton's comment,

" it must be emphasized that parking will be spread throughout a radius around the site. That means traffic will be distributed even further from the main access roads of Queen, Bay and Barton. Relatively few vehicles will actually be driving into the blocks immediately surrounding the site."

Good point. I found the summary of the IWS survey in the IBI report interesting. The survey found that 1000 people were dropped off in the immediate 0.8 to 1.0 km area and another 2300 cars with approx 3 people/car were parked in that vicinity which accounts for a total of only 8000 of the 19 200 in attendance. It goes on to say:

"The total observed parked cars and the total number of observed people dropped off on adjacent streets would account for a maximum of approximately 8000 people. (19 200 total attendance) This suggests a significant use of other methods to arrive at the stadium such as walking, parking at informal locations such as paying to park on private property, parking outside the surveyed area, or being dropped off on nearby streets"

I always considered my mode of arrival at the stadium to be a statistical outlier, since we would park at a friend's business north of the RR tracks near Beach Road (1.1 km from the stadium). I remember doing this back in the 1980s, and I know my old school Italian Dad and his posse were doing this for many years prior to that.

Of course, we're talking about 2 different sites, but it is interesting that many people find unique ways to get to the stadium when there isn't a driveway to driveway experience.

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