Comment 45923

By synxer (registered) | Posted August 18, 2010 at 10:11:00

Adrian, it's funny you mention Mountain residents.

My wife and I actually live on East Mountain, not incredibly far from where the stadium would have been.

We ended up living in EM because when I sold my previous house unexpectedly quickly, I had to try and find something fast. When we searched for property downtown, we came up empty. Lack of density and the fact that great downtown properties tend to be held on to meant that we had to look elsewhere.

When I was a kid, I remember asking parents (including my own) why they didn't recycle. My generation was being taught about recycling in school, while parents were intolerant, uneducated or relaxed. My wife and I are looking to have children in the near future and I know their generation will be heavily fixated on fixing the environment and studying the effects of the populous. I know our kids are gonna want to know why we live near sprawl and support it's sketchy underpinning.

I'm hoping our next move is downtown Hamilton, but that largely hinges on availability.

I support West Harbour because revitalization will create investment. Owners will be more likely to fix up their house or property, or sell it to interested people who will. Density will free up some mostly derelict property and create more opportunities for development.

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