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By Shempatolla (registered) - website | Posted August 14, 2010 at 21:32:43
I have lived in this city my whole life. (44 years). With brief exceptions for University (WLU). This is the single biggest example of leadership by a municipal politician I can ever recall. I did not vote for Fred Eisenberger last election, but I will this time. He and city council represent and are responsible to all 500,000 plus of us, not just the 22000 that regularly attend TiCat games myself included.
The thought of using well over $100 million dollars of public money to build a stadium in the suburbs ( and please EM supporters don't throw out the old "its in the municipal boundary of Hamilton" arguement. If you grew up here you know the "Ear Lobe" is the burbs.) with ABSOLUTELY NO PUBLIC TRANSIT NODE, NO PLANS FOR GO TRANSIT, on a site that is only accessible by car, which will require the PAVING of over 60 acres of wheat field to accommodate over 6000 the year 2010 is quite frankly offensive. Don't get me wrong, I am a self declared capitalist. But this makes no sense what so ever environmentally, economically and will result in traffic chaos during events should a facility be built there.
I make part of my living in Toronto. I am generally not a David Miller fan. But on this issue I agree with him. If you will indulge me. The same argument and shit fight took place when Sky Dome/ Rogers Center was being built. The Blue Jays wanted a stadium out at Downsview off the 401. City Council stood firm and said NO IT'S GOING DOWN TOWN. That decision led to a boom in the downtown of Toronto and is largely responsible for Toronto's bar/club/entertainment district today.
This city .... Hamilton, cannot afford to cave in to the whims of a sports team owner that has not demonstrated an ability to field a winning team, make his business profitable despite the sweetheart deal he receives from the city and likely will be back holding out his hand again no matter where a stadium is built unless he wakes up and decides to build his brand and field a winner rather than lay responsibility at the feet of the taxpayers of Hamilton.
I have written Bob Young and pledged my support for him and his team.... my team, in the way of a committment to purchasing season tickets should he re engage with the city and come to an agreement. That was 3 days ago. I have yet to receive a reply.
Greg Galante
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