Comment 45705

By dsahota (registered) | Posted August 14, 2010 at 14:33:32

someone pushing a shopping cart packed fill of bottles and cans down the sidewalk

This happens in all cities, in Vancouver, its actually quite common as there are deposits on all pop cans, milk jugs, drink boxes, etc. The people who do it generally refer to themselves as "binners" and actually have started their own collective, which is now a registered charity, in the downtown eastside called "United We Can." Heck the government even hired binners during the Olympics to pick up recyclables:

I do think the "only in Hamilton" meme is completely false and unfair. I think its more an indication of the general lack of confidence of Hamilton residents have in their city because they've been beaten down so many times. Its also reinforced by many from other cities who just drive through and never stop to meet or talk to the people here.

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