Comment 45704

By Michelle Martin (registered) - website | Posted August 14, 2010 at 13:23:38

Serious question though, does anyone know why there are so many motorized scooters here?

Um,as the boomers age, I think we can expect to see more of those everywhere, both budget and luxury models...

Seriously, now. Very dear friend of mine needs a scooter if she's out and about for long periods of time, due to a neuro-degenerative illness. Highly educated, well-traveled, middle class, etc. Does that make the scooter more forgiveable, then?

Here's another thought: back before there were motorized scooters and wheelchairs, people who had mobility challenges had to rely on others to push them around, and probably weren't seen in public as often because they would have to wait until others were available. Plus they weren't seen in as many places because of the lack of ramps, lifts, elevators, handicapped parking, etc. How about a little cognitive exercise here, wherein we all train ourselves to think, whenever we see someone on a scooter or wheelchair, "Isn't technology great? Aren't accessibility and independence wonderful?" instead of, "There goes the neighbourhood..."

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