Comment 45699

By Undustrial (registered) - website | Posted August 14, 2010 at 11:59:26

It's hard to deny that Hamilton has a fairly unique brand of crazy. I've spent a lot of time downtown, as well as travelled extensively through bad neighbourhoods of all forms.

The thing with Hamilton's crazies are a lot more harmless. Most of the "scary looking" people downtown here are disabled, elderly, and a lot more afraid of you than you are of them. I've spent my share of time in East Vancouver, especially on the Lower East Side, and it's a lot more threatening. You will be robbed, you car will be broken into, and if there's an open-able window on the front of your home/store, they'll find a way in... Plus I'd much rather lose a fight in Hamilton than win one with a crackhead in drop of blood could be the end of you. Hamilton may have a crack problem in the North End, but Canada had a crack problem (and a meth problem, and a junk problem, etc) in Vancouver.

Hamiltonians need to realise that every other city on earth struggles with drugs, poverty and graffiti too.

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