Comment 45688

By mystoneycreek (registered) - website | Posted August 14, 2010 at 03:48:39

Google Hamilton Common Wealth Games bids.

As for the "long list of possible sites" I think it only exists in Bob's mind.

Shempatolla: Thanks...but no, Googling Commonwealth Games bids doesn't provide me what I'm looking for. I'm looking for a timeline of the selection process for the Pan Am Games stadium. I'm looking to understand what happened, to generate context. You know, 'the Reasons behind the Reasons'.

And there's a difference between a 'long list' and a 'long-list'. The former is merely a casual descriptive, while the latter is the preliminary aggregation before a 'short-list', which comes before the 'final selection'. You know, as in the Man Booker Prize, which this year has 13 on the long-list, with this being whittled down to five for the short-list...then the winner. But again, thanks.

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