Comment 45675

By brian (registered) | Posted August 13, 2010 at 22:33:30

Except for the score i think the comments coming from glen suitor etc is a bit sickening and shows bias without even knowing the facts. Bob young was just on there with his stance that the east mountain location would be his choice, which is fine but...he never told them it would cost 80 mllion more to put it there. That is what im really at a loss as why anyone would suppport that...also neither the city or bob young have stated where this extra missing 25-35 million for 25,000 seats is coming from!. He basically said 25,000 seats would be the break even point...well ok...who in the hell would spend a extra 80 million dollars at the east mountain location, just to break even. Have people lost their minds???. If it is true that he is a billionaire...i really dont know..but a billion dollars is equal to the entire budget of the city of hamilton for a entire year!. If that location got picked taxes would go up as well, there is no way around it and it could be 4-5% for a city with thousands of people who can't afford it

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