Comment 45628

By arienc (registered) | Posted August 13, 2010 at 13:32:27

Here's the deal.

There's an election coming in October.

Every mountain resident who wanted EM, and everyone who put the Ti-Cats first before the greater good of hte city (about 48% of the city) are going to have their beef with mayor Fred, and will be voting for DiIanni.

When DiIanni gets in, he won't be fighting the old boys club...he'll be kow-towing to them. We can expect that the principled stance of Council behind Mayor Fred's leadership will quickly dissolve if DiIanni regains the mayor's chair.

Therefore, it's going to be very important that everyone who supports the work Fred has done on the stadium issue and towards downtown's revitalization in general gets behind Fred's campaign.

Statistics show that those in older age brackets are more represented in municipal elections than younger age brackets.

For this victory to be maintained, we have to reverse that trend, and make sure every RTH reader who lives in the City of Hamilton take the opportunity to vote for Fred. Nothing against the other candidates, but at a time like this, the city can ill afford a split of its support.

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